The studies showed that ultraviolet light has emerged as the most important factor in skin ageing. It it now beyond dispute that the rate and degree to which it wrinkles, fine lines and sagging or develops cancerous lesions depends largely on its level of exposure to UV rays.
The sun emits rays of varying wavelengths. Physicists divide its ultraviolet rays into A - the longer, more lethargic length, B - which are shorter and more energetic, and C - which are frenetic that it has the power to mutate the DNA of all living things. (Happily, the ozone layer still filters out almost all UVC since if much of it got through it would actually threaten life on earth.)
Both UVA and UVB reach the earth's surface and are a menance to our skin. UVB is often called the "burning" ray as it is primarily responsible for the visible and sometimes very painful effects of sunburn. It also dries out our skin and most importantly increase our risk of skin cancer.
UVA is often known as the 'ageing' ray because it generally causes the wrinkling and sagging that, as little as 15 years ago, were thought of as the natural, and inevitable part of the ageing process.
Today we have to thanks to all our skincare experts, it's possible to treat such problems by using the proper skincare treatment.